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How to Give Feedback to Your Boss without Getting Fired

Updated on April 24, 2013
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I'm a dad, husband, and Christian first. Second, I'm an educator and organizational development professional.

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5 reminders every employees must keep in mind

All organizations need feedbacks in order to thrive. But the truth is, as one’s position rises; the quality of feedbacks just diminishes. This happens because no one dares to anger the boss. It’s really unfortunate that employees simply become agreeable even with issues and strategies that they find infuriating. According to James Deter, an associate professor at the Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management, employees are reserved when it comes to sharing their opinions with their boss. The boss holds power that can affect the employees’ future. The fear of speaking their minds undoubtedly affects how and if they give feedbacks. Certainly there are a few souls out there willing to speak out but majority of employees resort to amiable encounters with their boss. Creating a corporate culture that allows free exchange of opinion will prove beneficial to the business organization. Business communication is undoubtedly a pivotal part of a company’s growth.

Sad to say a congeniality award does not translate to improved policies, strategies, work conditions, productivity and customer satisfaction. It’s necessary to speak the truth in order to point the company’s decision makers at the right direction. The challenge is how to do it without defacing one’s employment status.

1. Be honest but tactful

Believe or not, employee opinions are important. So be honest about what you think. But think about what and how you will say it before you blurt out offensive or even vulgar rants. For your feedback to be valued, observe tact and diplomacy. This is especially appropriate for issues that you feel strongly. Proper communication of deep-seated feelings about issues is essential in company growth.

2. Give details

The reason why feedbacks are asked is to collect vital information from the employees. As such, make sure you provide meaningful info. Although some issues can get you raving at a whim, try not to indulge this emotional outburst. Instead, provide clear and relevant data that can spark change in the organization.

Moreover, general and vague feedbacks will get the company nowhere. Playing safe might not raise some brows but the business organization requires honest feedback to grow.

3. Give it when asked

Unsolicited advice is not really a sound strategy at work. When the boss wants feedback he will ask it. If your opinion is needed, the boss will ask for it. When your feedback and opinions are needed don’t waste the opportunity. It is easy to just shut up or give an agreeable statement.

4. Course it through the proper channels

There are instances when no one wants to hear your opinion (or at least the boss is not asking). But like many others, there are times when when there's a nagging need to speak your mind. Obviously you don’t walk up to the boss’ office and start blowing off steam. Instead, course it through the proper channels. This means going to your supervisor or perhaps talking to the right department – e.g. HR for personnel concerns. There is a hierarchy to consider and more importantly, there is proper decorum to keep in mind. Suffice to say, respect and follow communication protocols.

5. Give suggestions not just a Yes or No

It’s just irritating to get a simple nod or a half-hearted head shake when opinions matter. A feedback becomes useful if it provides meaningful and relevant information. Since this is your chance to share what you think, go ahead and speak up. Feedbacks come in many levels from a simple yes or no to elaborative responses. Regardless of feedback level, know that you have the chance to influence change with your response. So by all that’s precious, don’t waste this opportunity!

When corporate culture allows a respectful and productive exchange of opinions, companies can experience growth. Moreover, employees must learn how to share their feedbacks in a constructive way. When information flows freely in a business organization, communication becomes a success tool for everyone.


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